So well it's Sunday. The big game. Superbowl of which I care nothing about because well I do not watch any sports. Actually to be perfectly honest, nobody in my family sans my brother watches sports and my bro's sport of choice is basketball, so I am sure he doesn't really care much about it either. My cousin who moved in recently loves football, but he says he refuses to watch because he hates both teams. Ha! Jokes on him, he really has no choice, because for some reason or another both my parents watch the Superbowl. I don't know why. Maybe it's the commercials, maybe it's the movie previews, maybe it;s just to feel like every other "All-American" family. I suppose I'll watch it a little, until I get bored, which will probably be really quick.
It's 2pm, approx 2 hours before my boyfriend gets off of work, boy do I have a bone to pick with him. He did not call me nor did he come over during his break. Grrr. Men, can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em. Ha! Kidding, of course I'd never kill my baby. I love his crazy, geeky self. Besides I was home all day, that's my alibi, I'm sticking to it
His name is Corie.

We've been together for two years. He loves anime (and manga), video games, and more. We have some common interests, but we are also very different. He's shy, quiet, likes to keep his feelings locked away, but me, I am totally opposite. But throughout our two year relationship he has changed, he's more open and less shy.We do everything together. He practically lives in my house. LOL. My parents like him too and that's a great thing because it means they won't argue with me when we get married. I've been looking for someone like him for years, he's the one. I know it. I have a feeling that in 2 weeks I'mm be the future Mrs Corie J Bay. Meaning engagement! Yes, this crazy person to the left! Aint he a doll!
Well I suppose that's it for this entry. I'm sure I have bored you enough with my love. I just wanted to not rant or write some worrisome entry. Besides if I ranted about eveything I wasnted to this entry would be like 100 pages long and just way too much drama for a Sunday. Happy Superbowl people!
I can't even explain to you how lucky I think you are to have found a guy that loves you for all that you are, not everyones that lucky. I'm so happy for you both and wish you nothing but the best in your future. May your eye's never cry over him and may your heart always be whole.