Monday, February 16, 2009


Why is it that you can talk all you want about wanting to be saved, you can be all scared about going to hell, but when given the opportunity to take part in the prayer of salvation to actually do what you want to, you know be saved, you chicken out. You just stand while everyone else around you sits and prays for salvation. See that pisses me off. If you really want to be saved, really want to take Christ to be your savior, you would have taken that seat. The next time you want to talk to me about being scared that Jesus won't accept you because of what you are or what you've done, think about how you fucked up a chance at getting saved. Uggh.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I know exactly to whom this is aimed to. By the way, I made up my mind, I WILL COSPALY AS JADE ALMOST ALL THREE DAYS! Friday and Saturday night I am going to be Jade and then Saturday morning I'll be Murasaki and on Sunday Naomi from Death Note. Sounds like a good idea, right? Also, I have a kick ass outfit for Jade on Friday, it involves a really short military skirt!
