Thursday, March 26, 2009

Leave Her Alone

OMFG! Please get it through your thick head dude! It's friggin' over between the two of you. You hurt her and now she is ready to move on, so friggin let her. Damn you, finally she is at a place that she can be happy and you won't let her b/c you keep trying to talk to her and to see her. Uggh. Get on my last nerve.

Moving on, my friggin' headphones broke. Damnit, now how will I listen to my pod ?? Arrgh. This just pisses me off. Fucking piece of shit earbuds!

So lots of drama happened regarding certain friends. There was one friend who called me a bitch when talking to my best friend. Then there was another who basically slammed my other best friend in a myspace blog.

I wrote the first one is question a message and she replied with two messages back. The first message was to state her case and how she felt I was kind of bitchy. And second was a total retraction and apology for ever meantioning it and asking for my forgiveness. Well I believe in the second chances so I decided to just give her one more go, but honestly she's really never going to be my best bud anyway, nobody can replace my two besties! Ellie and Maya will forever be my sisters.

And now for the second drama , the blog thing. One friend wrote a blog about the other which sparked some major controversy. Then wrote another blog stating she felt she did nothing wrong and to have us talk to her and figure things out. So we did and she still didn't wuite get it, but then moved on and decided that she no longer wants to be the kind of friend she was, but now wants to become a better friend with a different kind of view on what friendship means because he vision was skewed.

In other non dramatic news. Me and my bestest friends and of course my Corie and maybe my cousin are going to Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure this Sat! YATA! I must go now. Until next time.

Much <3

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